In my dream, I attended a very large boarding school, where all of my current classmates and friends also attended. One day, I got very bad allergies to milk. So I went to the store and got some pills for it. Later that day when I went to get the pills, they were all gone but one box was left. I asked my dad if he had taken them and he said no. I pushed him to answer honestly, he finally said yes. And I replied, why? For drugs? With a laugh. He said yeah. My stomach dropped and I asked do you make drugs? He said “ yes, I had to. I owed a bunch of money to a patient of mine. He runs the drug mines here” I couldn’t believe it so I asked one more question “are you addicted?” He sorta laughed at me before answering “ I work in a drug mine, of course I am. “ days later I was at lunch sitting with my two best friends and my crush. I saw one them all start eating, but there food looked different. So I asked where they got it. They all looked and eachother before my crush told me that he was a drug messenger and took smuggled the drugs in their lunch. I ran outside to another eating area, only to realize that almost everyone was eating drugged food. I saw the most popular girl at school looking depressed while eating drugged food. I sat down next to her and said “are you addicted?” She put her head down and said “yes.” In a sad town. Then I said give me some. And she did. I tried it. And after I did this guilt built up in me that I had taken drugs.
This dream could be reflecting your concerns about trust and hidden secrets within your social circles. Attending a large boarding school with your classmates and friends may symbolize a sense of community and familiarity. The development of allergies and seeking pills represents an issue that arises unexpectedly, possibly symbolizing a disruption or challenge in your waking life.
The disappearance of the pills and the revelation that your dad took them for drugs may suggest a feeling of betrayal or disappointment towards someone you trust. The mention of owing money to a patient and working in a drug mine implies a hidden secret or illegal activity, which may represent a fear of someone close to you engaging in risky or harmful behavior.
The lunch scene seems to reveal a pattern where people you know, including your crush and best friends, are involved in drug-related activities. This could symbolize a fear of those you care about being influenced or trapped by negative influences. The guilt you feel after trying the drugged food may reflect your inner conflict about falling into temptation or succumbing to peer pressure.
Overall, this dream could suggest a fear of discovering hidden aspects of the people around you, a concern about trustworthiness, or anxiety about being influenced by negative behaviors. It might be beneficial to examine your relationships and ensure open communication and trust within your social circles.